Q: Is the event kid-friendly?


A: Yes! Kiddos under 12 are free, and it is a family-friendly event!



Q: Will there be food or beverages available for sale at the event?


Short answer - No, but do bring your own! We will provide the hot, hot, hot music and cool, cozy atmosphere with tables and chairs and space to dance, you bring yourself a picnic! 


Snack, bevs (keep it clean, please - we don’t have the security/permits for alcohol this time around), whatever you need to stay energized for a long, glorious day of great music and excellent company! 


Unfortunately, there aren’t many restaurants right around the venue that are open all day/evening, so come prepared to feed thyself! Our dynamite organizing team consists of four working musicians musicians with lots to juggle organizing this thing, so we chose to focus all of our available time/energy this first year on bringing you the best program of hot music we could muster, and if our community shows up (like we know y’all will), we will be able to put on an even bigger fest next year with food vendors and more added into the mix! 


Can’t wait to see y’all on Saturday! What will you pack in your picnic?


P.S. Probably goes without saying, but please do pack out what you packed in and dispose of trash in proper receptacles to make clean-up easier on our small but mighty crew! And as Frank Lee Devine would say, “Many thank yous!”



Q: Will there be tickets available at the door? Can I reserve a general admission table? Will there be chairs for general admission?


A: Yes, yes, and yes! However, if you wanna save a little dough, grab ‘em online TODAY! Presale will end at midnite tonite (Friday, 5/24) and then they’ll be $40 at the door! 


Although all our VIP tickets and tables are SOLD OUT, you can reserve a general admission table online and save $5! 


And to clarify, there will still be chairs and table space for general admission ticket holders — it’s gonna be a long day and we want everyone to be comfy! We’ve just reserved the tables closest to the stages for our VIP ticket holders. 


If you have a folding chair that you especially love and/or a seat cushion you’d like to bring, you’re very welcome, of course! You do you!


We can’t wait to see you on Saturday! 



Q: Do I need to print my tickets and present them at the door?


A: Nope! Once you receive e-mail confirmation, we will have your name on our list for will call. Simply give us your name when you arrive and the friendly front desk folx will check you in!